Microsoft: consideriamo Sony un formidabile concorrente

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view post Posted on 13/12/2008, 18:44

Era da tempo che, durante le interviste, i due grandi colossi, Sony e Microsoft, non si complimentassero fra di loro. Oggi, infatti, Aaron Greenberg di Microsoft, durante un'intervista ad edge-online, ha espresso un complimento alla rivale Sony definendola "una formidabile concorrente". Sfruttando l'occasione ha anche espresso un proprio parere sulla piattaforma Home lanciata recentemente dal colosso giapponese: dal suo punto di vista, essa è come un "Second Life per un pubblico di hardcore gamer". Precisa anche che non crede che questa sia una mossa di Sony per conquistare più utenza o per vendere più console, anche perchè, sempre per lui, essa è un'esperienza del 2005 rilasciata nel 2008.
Sottolinea comunque che Microsoft non sottovaluta Sony e ciò che porta nel mercato.

Yeah, yeah. I think it's fair to address that. What always happens with the Internet is people isolate specific comments and things that you say, but you don't always hear the full story. I do believe what I said is actually the case, and I do stand by that. But at the same time, we recognize Sony as a very formidable competitor, and the fact that they're making investments in online validates what we have believed for years. When we launched the original Xbox years ago, we bet on the fact that you could actually create an online community in the living room.

On the comments about Home, if you look back at when this was actually announced, it was when things like Second Life and virtual worlds were still having some popularity. I think what's happened since then is people have "been there, done that." They've realized virtual worlds are fun for a short time, but it's hard to keep those worlds fresh and exciting and keeping people coming back and keeping them safe for all ages. We've seen what's happened to Second Life and what's happened with Google's Lively project, which is now closing.

It's tough. Online innovation happens at a much faster pace than hardware innovation. The challenge on us as companies is to stay on the cutting edge. As I look at the Home experience, it feels like a 2005 experience in 2008. It feels like Second Life for hardcore gamers. And I'm not sure that's something that will help Sony sell consoles or bring in a broader audience.

That said, we don't underestimate Sony, and what they bring to the market.
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